
Statistics Support Materials

Statistics Support Activities

Affective Domain Activities
Affective Domain#1 (Growth Mindset)
Affective Domain#2 (Grit)
Affective Domain#3 (Struggle)
Affective Domain#4 (Stress)
Affective Domain#5 (Mistakes)
Affective Domain#6 (Motivation)
Affective Domain#7 (Dare to Disagree)
Affective Domain#8 (Introverts)

Other Support Activities

Stat Support Activity: Excel Intro

Stat Support Activity:  StatKey Intro

Stat Support Activity:  Rounding Rules

Stat Support Activity: Proportions, %,
and Scientific Notation Conversions

Stat Support Activity: Normally Distributed

Stat Support Activity: Mean Average Intro

Stat Support Activity: Standard Deviation Intro

Stat Support Activity: Shapes

Stat Support Activity: Median Intro

Stat Support Activity: Quartiles and IQR Intro

Stat Support Activity: Box Plots Intro

Stat Support Activity: Other Quantitative Statistics

Stat Support Activity: Coin Sampling Distribution of Proportions

Stat Support Activity: Coffee Sampling Distribution of Means

Stat Support Activity: Z-score Critical Values

Stat Support Activity: T-score Critical Values

Stat Support Activity: Differences

Stat Support Activity: Two-population proportion confidence interval calculations

Stat Support Activity: Two-Population Degrees of Freedom and T-scores

Stat Support Activity: Two-population Mean confidence interval calculations

Stat Support Activity: Matched Pair Two-Population Mean Confidence Interval Calculations

Stat Support Activity: Inequality Symbols & Population Parameters

Stat Support Activity: Significance Levels

Stat Support Activity: Scientific Notation

Stat Support Activity: Drawing Distributions with P-value, Significance Levels, Test Statistics, and Critical Values

Stat Support Activity: Conclusions

Stat Support Activity: Randomized Simulation

Stat Support Activity: One-Population Test Statistics

Stat Support Activity: ANOVA & F-Test Statistic

Stat Support Activity: 2-Population Proportion Z-Test Statistics

Stat Support Activity: 2-Population Mean T-Test Statistic

Stat Support Activity: Correlation Coefficients

Stat Support Activity: Regression Lines

Stat Support Activity: Correlation Hypothesis Test

Books to Prepare Students for Statistics

Preparing for Algebra and Statistics (3rd edition)
(Textbook by Matt Teachout)

Title Page, Introduction & Table of Contents (Word doc)
Title Page, Introduction & Table of Contents (pdf)
Chapter 1 (Word doc)
Chapter 1 (pdf)
Chapter 2 (Word doc)
Chapter 2 (pdf)
Chapter 3 (Word doc)
Chapter 3 (pdf)
Chapter 4 (word doc)
Chapter 4 (pdf)
Chapter 5 (Word doc)
Chapter 5 (pdf)
Chapter 6 (Word doc)
Chapter 6 (pdf)
Chapter 7 (Word doc)
Chapter 7 (pdf)
Appendix A Odd Answer Keys (Word doc)
Appendix A Odd Answer Keys (pdf)
Entire Book (Word doc)
Entire Book (pdf)

Introduction to Data Analysis (2nd edition)
(Textbook by Matt Teachout)

Title Page, Introduction & Table of Contents (Word doc)
Title Page, Introduction & Table of Contents (pdf)
Chapter 1 (Word doc)
Chapter 1 (pdf)
Chapter 2 (Word doc)
Chapter 2 (pdf)
Chapter 3 (Word doc)
Chapter 3 (pdf)
Chapter 4 (word doc)
Chapter 4 (pdf)
Chapter 5 (Word doc)
Chapter 5 (pdf)
Chapter 6 (Word doc)
Chapter 6 (pdf)
Chapter 7 (Word doc)
Chapter 7 (pdf)
Appendix A Answer Keys (Word doc)
Appendix A Answer Keys (pdf)
Entire Book (Word doc)
Entire Book (pdf)